Please make note:
The Credit Union will be closing half day on April 18th for Good Friday, and closing at 3PM on April 25th.
Have a Happy and Heathly Easter!
Thank you!
The Members voted YES for the merger with Postal Employees Credit Union. We are looking forward to offering more services and another great location to serve our members. Continue to check for updates, we will post as there is more information to share.
The TouchBanking APP has been updated as of Monday, February 10th. If you already have the TouchBanking APP on your phone, please follow the instructions to update the program. Your credentials are the same, after you have downloaded the new APP, please delete TouchBanking. The New APP can be found on both the APPLE and GOOGLE stores. Search for Monmouth County Postal ECU.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contract the credit union, 732-219-0009.
This is becoming more and more frequent. Members there is a safety feature offered by VISA to keep you informed when your Debit Card is being used. Please go to the following link and register your card. You will prevent your card from being used by an unauthorized individual.
Let's make it harder for them. Register your card today for anything over $1.00
ATTENTION MEMBERS - when using the REMOTE DEPOSIT CAPTURE feature for DEPOSITING CHECKS, you must write "FOR REMOTE DEPOSIT ONLY" on the back of the check. If this is not on your check, the DEPOSIT WILL BE REJECTED
Is now available, you must have a checking account with the credit union to be able to use this service. Open your checking account today.
Remote Deposit Capture, Mobile APP, our New Home Banking Site
All of these new services are now available for your use. RDC makes it even easier for you to have a Share Draft Account! No more worring about how to deposit that check.
Download the APP from the APPLE or GOOGLE stores today and start enjoying all these great new services available to you. Search for: Monmouth County Postal ECU
Any questions call the Credit Union, we are here to help you! 732-219-0009
Hours & Days of Operation
Monday - Friday
9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Phone: (732) 219-0009
Fax: (732) 219-5269
Become a member today and enjoy all of the benefits of the credit union!
Click on the link below to find all FREE ATM's in your area! All Seven-Elevens are free.
ATM Locator:
Kid's Club Pay .50% up to $2500.00
Don't Forget to Keep Us in the Loop!
It is important to periodically update your personal information to your account such as:
Change of Address
(If you have a change of address you MUST send in proof of the new address. Ie: A utility bill, new license, magazine subscription, etc.)
You will be charged a $5.00 fee every month for a bad address.
-Change of Phone Number
-Place of Work
-Email Address
(Please call the credit union to change your phone number, place of work, and email.)
Please give us a call to check that your personal information is up to date!
REPORTING A LOST VISA DEBIT CARD: If it is during normal credit union hours please call the office, if it is after hours or on the weekend,
call: 1-888- 241-2510
TO ACTIVIATE YOUR VISA DEBIT CARD: please call: 1-800-543-5073